Loutzenhiser-Jordan Online Guestbook for Rev. Daniel Farina

Sharon, family and Pastor Farina I extend my sympathies to all of you at this time of great loss. God is our stronghold and refuge. May His joy and peace be your strength during this time and the days ahead.
Dory McDowell
I will miss him, his greeting and the sound of his voice that reminded me of home.
henry mueller
Praying for God to give Dan's family and friends strength and peace. Dan is spending Christmas with Jesus this year and he leaves a great heritage. His life portrayed His love of God. We are privileged to have called him "friend". Love you! David & Elsa Siriano
Rev. David & Elsa Siriano
Dear Farina Family: Pastor Dan will foever live in the hearta of many! 1Corin.4:15...For though you might have 10 thousand instructors in Christ; yet you do not have many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel! Pastor Dan Farina is and was MY father in the Gospel!I loved and deeply respected his impact on my life. My God continue to increase the fruit from this life by the people he instructed! 3
Rev. Vilda C. Roy
To Sharon and family we are so incredibly sad to hear of Pastor Dan's passing, but very happy knowing that he is with Jesus. Our lives were changed forever because of his ministry and because of him we will one day be in Heaven too. We know God will comfort your hearts and we send our love to all of you.
Steven and Michelle Hoffman
This town lost a very special man. Heaven has an amazing new addition. My thoughts are with all of you.
Joshua Stephens
Dear Sharon and Family, We're so sad to read of the loss of Pastor Dan.He was a GEM. We enjoyed so many wonderful times with you all. May God give you peace and strength at this time. He loved his family so much. Love and Blessings Gimi&Clara Marcheschi
Gimi & Clara Marcheschi
Dan was a great man of God who taught Gods word truly.
Rev. David W. Edwards
Sharon Joy and Children; So sorry on the passing of Pastor Dan. I loved this man he was truly a wonderful person and spirit filled to the most high,it has been such a long time since we last seen you all you are all in prayers and thoughts at this sad time..
Mike Zarrillo and Family
Dear sharon,and family i am so sorry to hear about pastor dan, he was a great man and i will miss him dearly,my deepest sympathy goe too everyone christina,maria zarrillo cherie
christina bator
what a truly blessed family you are,Just to have this wonderful,tender man for a Husband,Father,and Brother.I see him in my mind,up there in front of the church,playing, singing and just bringing the Holy Spirit into the service. God be with you and cherish your memories. Prayers and Love sent to you all.
Brenda Augustine
Pastor Farina, Sharon & family. Our deepest sympathy goes out to all of you folks during this time. May God's PEACE be your comfort everyday. Love & Prayers, Myrna
Rodney &Myrna Scales & family
Dear Farina Family So sorry for your loss. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.
Linda Dannacker
We are so sorry sor your loss. May your memories comfort you.
Don and Sandee Shaw
Dear Sharon and family, and Dolly, David & Andrew & families, our sincere condolences to you. So glad that (Nick) talked to Dan on Monday afternoon (24). Many good memories growing up with Dan in the Bronx church as children/teenagers, singing as a trio with Dan & Sam as young adults. May comfort you and the families and the Greenville church family. May God's comfort and good memories bring comfort and strength for the difficult days ahead. He is at rest with His Savior and Lord.......God bless
Nick & Stella Calvelli
May you have peace in knowing your loss is heaven's gain. My deepest sympathy to all family.
Vicki Vamosi (Longiotti)