Loutzenhiser-Jordan Online Guestbook for Donald Malcolm McGinnis

Sorry to hear about your loss. He seemed an accomplished man. I'm sure you will miss him dearly.
Bruce Reagan
What a beautiful tribute to your Dad, Maureen. Love and prayers to all the McGinnis family.
Linda Nymberg
My heartfelt sympathy to Dorothy and family.
Jean S. Opel
To Matthew and your family. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Knowing that you are a close family, may you find comfort in each other and knowing that your amazing father is with God. Thank you for sharing the story of his wonderful life. He has left an amazing legacy in all of you.
Kelly Moninger
With memories all the way back to East Avenue, I most enjoy remembering Don as one of Greenville's true entrepreneurs.
John Logan
what a beautiful tribute to your Daddy! You are in my prayers and I'm thinking of you a lot. Much love!
The Calderaro Family
My sincerest sympathy to each member of the McGinnis family. In the short time I got to know most of you at St. Paul's, I found you all to be very sincere and loving with each other wanting only the best for your parents. The closeness you share is heartwarming and I had hoped the outcome for your parents would have been different. I wuold have loved to see them both move into the Heritage together as a couple. My prayers will continue to be with you as you go through this week and the grieving process for your dad and husband. With deepest sympathy and continued prayers, Diane O'Brien, marketing staff at St. Paul's.
Diane K. O'Brien
We are saddened to hear of your loss, and we realize many people have lost a blessing from God. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Robert and Wendy Fournier