Loutzenhiser-Jordan Online Guestbook for Jacqueline A. “Jackie” Smith

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless.
Bpb & Barbara Lomas
Aunt Jack will so be missed by our family. She made me laugh with her infectious laugh and really made me see what it's like to be a strong woman. We so loved her visits out to see us with mom and gramma. Love you so much aunt Jack. See....I'll bet heaven really is a beautiful place, isn't it?
Terri and Jonathan Newhouse
If it wasn't for Aunt Jackie setting up my mother and father, I wouldn't be here. So you can say, I owe her everything. :-) Aunt Jackie was one of the strongest women I ever met. What I will miss most, is her yelling at me for interrupting her dinner when I called to check in. lol Janice and Sandy your mom was truly a wonderful person and will be greatly missed. Love, Lew aka... Little Lewie ;-)
Lew Junk - DeLand, FL
Dear Janice & Sandy..... I was hoping to see your mother again after I get home in a couple of days, but I guess I will have to wait to see her in heaven. In my visits with her the past few times in her apartment, I had such a great time sharing with her. She was afraid of dying of course, but she is definitely in a better place with no more pain and heartache. Love you both & hope I can visit with you when I get home, Cheryl
Cheryl Pearce
You have our deepest sympathy, Fred and Betty K Junk
betty k junk